The 4th of July this year was a day to relax. The night before I had gone over to a neighbor's house for dinner. It was just a couple of us girls and Elle, Chance and Chopper the boxer. Chopper is two years old and extremely friendly and playful. The three dogs played with each other until exhausted. Elle is unused to seeing anyone sit down to eat at a table, which is the perfect height for her to rest her head, as I typically eat standing up at over the kitchen seat. The smell of pizza right at snout level was intoxicating to the poor girl. We were all eating outside on the patio, yet the pizza was inside the house on the dining room table. Finally we closed the slider to keep the temptation at a minimum.
Much to our amusement, Elle, the giant wolfhound dog, crazed by the smell of pizza, wrangled herself through a medium sized doggy door; she was heading straight for the pizza on the inside table. We were doubled over with laughter. Her mouth full of pizza, I went after her causing her to panic, her pizza hit the ground. Right on cue, Chopper targeted the pizza, swooping in and bounding back through the dog door. Chance was on him, yet Chopper managed to get down almost half of the piece of pizza before it again dropped and Chance finished the deed.
The dogs ended up playing for a couple of hours. I have no idea how Chopper fared on the 4th of July. My two animals slept all day. I bet those silly dogs had sore muscles from too much play.