Dear Ryker is the sweetest dog. He is so quiet and spends hours simply observing. The weather here has been balmy and today I donned flip flops. Flip. Flop. Flip. Flop. It triggered something in Ryker that I had not seen.
First, you have to get the sound of his bark in you mind. He sounds like Dino from the Flintstones cartoon. Funny at first, but long bouts of it could make your ears bleed. Ryker was emotional upset. He barked and barked a loud, shrill warning. Chance, my other collie, was frantically looking inside and outside the house attempting to discern what Ryker's alarm was all about.
It took me a while to narrow the problem down the sound of my flip flops. He doesn't like it, he cannot tolerate it. So in my mind I figure whoever bothered to feed the poor Tomball Collies might have worn flip flops. It is warm a great deal down there in Texas and flip flops would be appropriate.
The question becomes two fold: will I ever figure out how to desensitize Ryker to the sound of my flip flops and/or am I really going to have to change my summer shoe style in order to have a peaceful household? Meanwhile, I am opting for hot feet.